About Bright & Beyond
Bright and Beyond is dedicated to empowering gifted children, their families, and educators with expert guidance and innovative solutions. Established in 2008, Bright and Beyond provides experienced and specialist education consultancy through consultations, mentoring, tutoring and professional development. Learn more about our mission to help gifted learners thrive academically and emotionally.
Bright and Beyond strives to
Our clients often need a space to share their needs and concerns in a world that frequently misunderstands the journey of the gifted. We provide an understanding, nurturing and confidential space, and provide support and guidance to develop positive pathways. This can also include assessment of students to further understand their educational and socio-emotional needs. We work alongside and collaborate with other services, such as psychology, occupational therapy and speech language therapy as required.
Our clients often need education to develop a deeper understanding of giftedness and what it means to ‘be gifted’. We provide individual consultancy and group learning opportunities for families, teachers and schools to enable them to better understand the gifted and high potential students in their care. We also provide academic tuition and affective mentoring for highly, exceptionally and profoundly gifted students.
Giftedness is surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Parents of gifted and high potential students often require support when discussing their child’s needs with their school. We are highly experienced in working with schools and across sectors, and collaboratively developing pathways through clear communication focussed on student needs.
Often our role is as 'case manager', bringing together the many stakeholders, services and specialists, in more complex cases.
Our values
We are committed to champion:
– all gifted students have the right to education matched to their learning needs.
– all gifted students have the right to have their gifts nurtured in order for them to develop to their potential.
- all gifted students have the right to achieve their potential regardless of age, race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, cultural background, or physical location, and without bias.
– all people have the right to have their needs heard.
– all people have the right to have their feelings validated and be encouraged and empowered.
– raising and educating gifted children takes a village. You don’t have to do it alone.
– all gifted students have a right to be themselves and not have to hide their true selves. We encourage unmasking when it's safe to do so.
– change can be a positive, rewarding and exciting process when supported by understanding mentors.
About our Principal Consultant
Helen Baber BEd, PGDipEd (G&T), MEd (Gifted) with Excellence
As a specialist teacher and parent of gifted children, Helen has a unique perspective for understanding the parent and educator journey to support the gifted and high potential students in your care.
She is currently studying towards a Diploma of Counselling to ensure clients receive optimal support.
Helen's Story, Qualifications & Experience
Helen's educator journey began in Canberra in 1985, where she completed a Bachelor of Education at the University of Canberra. Upon graduation she taught in several public schools in the ACT, then in 1997 relocated with her family to New Zealand. During that time she taught in several public and independent schools, enjoyed time as a museum educator, and worked in the NZ Ministry of Education as a project manager in High and Complex Needs.
Helen's teaching journey changed direction in 2002 when she studied Gifted Education at Massey University whilst on parenting leave. Soon after, she began in her first Gifted Education specialist teaching support role in an inner-city high school, became the inaugural President of Wellington Explorers, and was a NZ Association for Gifted Children National Council member.
More about Helen...
Upon returning to Australia in 2008, Helen established Bright and Beyond as a resource for parents of gifted children. In 2010 she was employed at a large regional independent school and became their Gifted Education specialist. Helen lead the development of an extensive Gifted Education Program that provided the opportunity for gifted students from Years 1-10 to participate in advanced academic learning opportunities in core subjects, including an accelerated Mathematics pathway. The K-12 Gifted Education program also included affective programs, competitions and external opportunities to foster optimal talent development, teacher professional learning, strong home-school partnerships, and strong collaboration between the Gifted Education team and the Learning Support team to cater for the specific needs of twice exceptional (2e) students.
Helen has also been awarded a Master of Education in Gifted Education at UNSW, with Excellence. She is currently employed by UNSW as a Course Convenor of the Mini-Certificate of Gifted Education (Mini-COGE) at GERRIC - an inservice course for teachers. Helen was awarded a World Teacher's Recognition Award for services to Gifted Education by the Teachers' Guild of NSW in 2019, and was also a nominee for the 2020 Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards. She enjoys a broad international network within the field of Gifted Education and regularly speaks at state and national conferences.
Helen is a life-long learning, currently completing a Master of Educational Leadership at UNSW and a Diploma of Counselling through the Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors. She is also a suicide first-aider through ASIST - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training.
Helen is a member of the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT), GiftedNSW, World Council for the Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC), Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL), Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) and Australian Counselling Association (ACA).
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