In the wake of Gifted Awareness Week (GAW) 20-28 May 2023, thoughts and ideas have been swirling in my head. The week was invigorating – three conferences over nine days, including networking events, teaching, reviewing old ideas, learning about new research and program initiatives, plus challenging and thought-provoking keynote and workshop presentations. It was exhausting, but I’m very glad for the opportunity and grateful to everyone who was involved in organising and sharing to bring these events to fruition. If you were one of them, thank you!
In the days following there have been two major and very exciting announcements in Gifted Education that I would like to share with you.
Firstly, Professor Jung of GERRIC UNSW and a member of the National School Reform Agreement Ministerial Reference Group advised the gifted community about a survey that has been released, calling for input from students, teachers, parents, and carers to inform the Better and Fairer Education System Review. The survey can be accessed here.
Professor Jung wrote,
“The survey seeks responses from students, teachers, parents and carers regarding student mental health and wellbeing, teacher recruitment and retention, funding transparency and accountability and targets for the next National School Reform Agreement.
The survey, conducted by the Social Research Centre will be available online until 23 June 2023. This survey provides an opportunity for participants to contribute their perspectives and help shape the future of education in Australia. The outcomes of the survey will have MAJOR implications on the future of gifted education in Australia.
The Expert Panel for the Review will use the results to help draft a consultation paper which will invite submissions from all stakeholders, and also to develop recommendations for the final report, which will ultimately inform the development of a new National School Reform Agreement."
I encourage each of you to respond to the survey to help inform this review, to be a part of this long overdue and very needed school reform.
The second announcement that I’d like to share with you is an initiative from the Australian Association for the Education of Gifted and Talented (AAEGT). The AAEGT has launched a new project: the Endorsement of Postgraduate University Programs in Gifted Education. The purpose of the project is promoting and maintaining the high quality, rigour and consistency of postgraduate gifted education programs offered by universities across Australia. I hope you join with me in celebrating the achievement of this initiative and thanking the AAEGT Board and members for their leadership.
I hope you are encouraged by these pieces of news and will support the Better and Fairer Education System Review by completing the survey.
Warmest regards